3 years agoCommunity Manager
What is Protected Metro Connect?
What is Protected Metro Connect?
Protected Metro Connect allows customers in one IBX data center to connect to customers, partners, or their own networks in another IBX. This offering provides resiliency for WAN connections using two diverse fiber paths. Protected Metro Connect uses a single switch at each IBX providing you with a single physical connection to your demarcation on each side.
Protected Metro Connect includes:
- Path protection using two diverse fiber paths
- Availability SLA 99.99%
- 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 100 Gbps port speeds (100 Gbps available in select markets only)
- Protected Metro Connect is available in optical Layer 1 (10 Gbps, 100 Gbps) or packet-based Layer 2 service options (1 Gbps)
- 10 Gbps is available as packet-based Layer 2 service in some metros
Additional info can be found in our documentation