Forum Discussion

JMcIlvenny's avatar
Equinix Employee
11 months ago

Interested in building a sustainable network? Join our Tech Talk this week!

Discover how sustainability and technology intersects with our 20-minute Tech Talk on October 26th.  

In my upcoming Tech Talk, I’ll be joined by Sarwar Khan, Sustainability Lead at BT; Sarwar has 12 years’ experience in developing decarbonization strategies, products and propositions spanning across the telecoms, IT, and energy industries, working for both large corporates and start-ups.

Get ready to learn more about:

  • How BT’s Digital Carbon Calculator provides a unique view into which network assets to optimize for sustainability
  • The benefits of combining carbon footprint data and IT services lifecycle management to gain network efficiencies
  • How BT’s global network combined with Equinix’s own tooling, and data center colocation and virtual interconnection services, in a hybrid multicloud environment enables energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions at scale.

Got a question you want covered? Ask below! Don’t forget to register here.

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